Self-Care Through The Holidays

A list to help you care for yourself

As we enter into the holidays season, I understand that what should be a joyous string of activities ends up being overwhelming, depressing, and depleting for many grievers. The time is filled with mixed emotions. There is guilt for experiencing times of happiness and extreme sadness surrounding traditions without your loved one.

It seems like the word, “self-care” is overused in our society, and there are companies that will sell you on their self-care products all day long. But self-care is more than pedicures and bubble baths; It’s acknowledging your feelings of pain and choosing activities that are right for you during the upcoming holidays.

I created a short self-care list of activities to inspire you to care for yourself every day. I hope you pick at least one and try it. Caring for yourself isn’t selfish…so indulge every day.

At its most basic definition, self-care is any intentional action taken to meet your own physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional needs. In short, it’s all the little ways we take to nurture ourselves.

Self-Care Activities

1. Take a short walk outside.

2. Ice water bath. Dip your face in a bowl of ice water. It’s a cold plunge for your face.

3. Drink something warm. Try to stay away from caffeine.

4. Listen to soft music. Try “bilateral stimulation” music. Create your own playlist you can access at any time. Find music that calms, restores and inspires you.

5. Read a favorite book.

6. Reach out to a friend that always lifts you up.

7. Go for a drive.

8. Journal about a memory that brought you joy.

10. Get a massage/give yourself a foot massage. Try a trigger point ball, massage chair.

11. Try Yoga Nidra or another mindfulness activity.

12. Turn off your phone and step away from the computer for a whole day.

13. Lay on the floor with your legs up on the wall for 5 minutes.

14. Walk outside barefoot. Pick a grassy area.

15. Dance to a favorite song.

16. Go see a movie by yourself or with a friend.

17. Make a piece of artwork-draw, cut, paste, scribble.

18. Stretch your body. (You can find a free online instruction through YouTube, Peloton, Amazon Prime, or other workout apps.)

19. Take a day trip to a place you love.

20. Spend time in the sun.

21. Go for a bike ride.

22. Diffuse essential oils such as lavender.

23. Notice 5 things around you. (Something you can see, feel, hear, touch.)

24. Buy flowers for yourself and make an arrangement.

25. Organize a small space in your home. (a drawer or closet.

26. Spend time in nature. (Camping or a walk somewhere beautiful.)